“If you’re reading this, we’ve selected you to be a member of our Xanga
TRUE program. You are one of our top contributors, in the form of
blog posts and comments. You’ve been true to Xanga, and we want to
thank you.

To recognize your dedication, you should see a new TRUE badge next
to your username when you leave comments. It’s kind of like the LIFE
badge you’ve seen, except you can’t buy this one. Only our best users
are being chosen and you can only get it if you’re a hardcore Xanga
user like yourself.

Congratulations – and Thank You for making Xanga what it is today.

From TRUE and theXangaTeam”

I don’t know how I feel about this.

~ by justinhong on February 11, 2008.

6 Responses to “TRUE.”

  1. haha yeaaah!

  2. hahaha in response to your comment and your post… wow. spoken like a true “TRUE” xanga member. :)but. i actually think the other blogs are getting cooler than xanga 😦 i wanna be cool too.

  3. i’m w/ obama now but if hillary can have a bluegrass music for her campgaign, i’m switching my vote.

  4. does that make you a …loser?

  5. hahahaha its like yelp elite! aka..i have too much time on my hands…at least yelp throws parties for their elite!

  6. It means we talk. Profusely.All this means is that we really have to examine everything we say in an effort to have it all be both true and beautiful in some way.

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